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移动硬盘乱码【视频】- オフコース Off Course 新鲜播放-音速431

发布时间: 2016-07-09 浏览: 387
【视频】| オフコース Off Course 新鲜播放-音速431

Off Course was one of Japan's most influential folk rock bands. It was formed in early 1969 by Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) and Yasuhiro Suzuki (鈴木康博). It broke up in 1989 after a February 26 farewell performance at Tokyo Dome.

(1969-1973) 小田和正/铃木康博/地主道夫 (1973-1978) 小田和正/铃木康博 (1978-1982) 小田和正/铃木康博/清水仁/大间ジロー/松尾一彦 (1984-1989) 小田和正/清水仁/大间ジロー/松尾一彦
(1973.6.5) オフコース - オフ李志勋 ?コース1 陆琪来了 ?刘梦夏 仆の赠りもの
OFF COURSE - たそか?れ
(1974.5.5)オフコース - この道をゆけば_オフ快手阿修 ?コース?ラウンド2
(1975.12.20)オフコース - ワインの匂い

(1976.11.5)オフコース - SONG IS LOVE
(1977.9.5)オフコース - JUNKTION

(1978.10.5)オフコース – FAIRWAY
OFF COURSE - I love you
(1979.10.20) オフコース - Three and two
(1980.11.21)オフコース - We Are
At the end of 1980加运美速递, another core member Yasuhiro Suzuki (鈴木康博) proposed to quit the group. At one point尚语贤 , they were on the verge of disbanding白度母心咒, because Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) couldn't imagine a band without Yasuhiro Suzuki (鈴木康博)草原八月末, and was deeply involved. The next three albums杨诗雅, from the title青涩禁果, hint at this mood :"We are移动硬盘乱码 , over荥阳高中, I love you."
(1981.12.1)オフコース – Over
(1982.7.1)オフコース - I LOVE YOU
OFF COURSE - yes-no
(1982.9.21)オフコース - NEXT SOUND TRACK
(1984.6.21)オフコース - The Best Year of My Life
(1985.8.1)オフコース - Back Street of Tokyo
(1987.3.28)オフコース - as close as possible
In 1989, Off Course was officially disbanded after the end of live Tokyo dome. Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) began his solo career (it started before the dissolution). In addition, the three young men also had solo works朱见溢 , and later formed a new group called ABC for activities.
(1988.6.9)オフコース - STILL a long way to go